Produse pentru filtre de calitate (41)

Filtre de încălzire

Filtre de încălzire

Gamme complète de filtres pour tous les matériels et machines utilisés dans les secteurs industriels. Machines-outils, bandes filtrantes Huiles de coupe et émulsions Injection plastique Electroérosion Aspirateurs et Balayeuses
Filtru Combinat Produse de Top Calitate și Cele Mai Eficiente

Filtru Combinat Produse de Top Calitate și Cele Mai Eficiente

Combined Filter Drier and Liquid Receiver is an unit which hold Filter Drier and Liquid Receiver within a single body and performs as both at the same time. Having of the innovative design, the unit saves a great space. The function of the liquid receiver is to send the refrigerant fluid in 100% liquid state to the expansion valve for the best cooling effect. These series are produced for vehicle type refrigeration and air conditioning systems. They have high performance against the variable revolution of engine. ESSCV, Vertical mounting, ESSC, Horizontal mounting, ESSC / ESSCOD / ESSCOR / ESSCV Series Combined Filter Drier And Liquid Receiver ESSC / ESSCOR / ESSCOD / ESSCV Combined Filter Drier and Liquid Receiver series are hermetic designed to be used in compacted bead style for use on liquid line. Moisture removal formula, is prepared as %100 Molecular Sieve targeting maximum moisture removal and acid formation prevention.
Cartușe de filtrare PP înfășurate

Cartușe de filtrare PP înfășurate

Wound filter-cartridges Type: PP, PPW (washed) Wound filter-cartridges are depth-filter-elements, produced in a special way of winding. Newest winding-machines guarantee a constant and high quality for filter-cartridges up to 60”. The PPW filter-element is wound with a special washed yarn. Washed yarn is free of wetting agents and prevents foaming. Media:Polypropylene (washed), Polyester, Nylon, Glass fibre, Cotton Core:Polypropylene, Stainless Steel (304), Galvanised steel Operating temperature:Max. 80° C, Steel core/other yarns: 160°C – 400°C Outside diameter:62 mm or 114 mm Inside diameter:27 mm Starting ΔP:0.1 bar Max. ΔP:2.5 bar
Filtre cu Carbon Activ

Filtre cu Carbon Activ

Ces filtres à COV (Composants Organiques Volatiles) représentent une solution efficace pour retenir les composants gazeux contenus dans l'air, en particulier les molécules odorantes. Ces filtres à odeurs éliminent eficacement les molécules odorantes indésirables, améliorent à longue échéance la qualité de l'air et diminuent les effets nocifs. Les filtres à Charbon Actif sont disponibles sous forme de sacs de granules médias synthétiques imprégnés en rouleau ou panneau cadres filtres multi dièdres caissons cartouches filtres à poches rigides avec média imprégné filtres compacts rigides ou autres supports sur demande suivant votre installation. Information Dans le cas d'un besoin de filtration des odeurs dans une cabine de peinture, à long terme et conformément aux normes environnementales européennes et mondiales, l'utilisation de peinture base hydro (eau) à la place de peintures solvantées est la solution la plus efficace et économique.
Unitate de canal RACFESMALL - filtrare electrostatică

Unitate de canal RACFESMALL - filtrare electrostatică

The RACFESMALL duct unit, equipped with active electrostatic filtration, has been developed and designed to be applied in the residential and commercial sector. With the constant increase in air pollution, air hygiene and quality are essential to ensure maximum comfort inside buildings (such as banks, schools, hotels...) High filtration efficiency and reduced environmental impact are the peculiarities of this system. The active electrostatic filters, completely regenerable by washing, installed inside the unit, allow the reduction of micro/nano particles including viruses, bacteria and ensure constant energy saving owing to minimal pressure drops. RACFESMALL thanks to its compact dimensions adapts to the narrowest spaces and false ceiling installations.
Meltblown de calitate HEPA - MAG a adus Meltblown HEPA pentru filtrele de protecție medicală și personală

Meltblown de calitate HEPA - MAG a adus Meltblown HEPA pentru filtrele de protecție medicală și personală

MAG brachte HEPA-Meltblown für die medizinische und persönliche Schutzfiltermaterialindustrie auf den Markt. Durch die Verwendung der Wasser-Elektret-Technik bietet es einen höheren Wirkungsgrad und eine höhere Durchlässigkeit. MAG HEPA kann den Standard für hocheffiziente Filtration von H10-H14 erfüllen. Im Vergleich zum allgemeinen Meltblown hat HEPA-Qualität einen geringeren Luftwiderstand und eine höhere Leistung. HEPA kann effektiv mindestens 99% der Aerosole mit einem Durchmesser von 0,3 Mikrometer (μm) entfernen und auch die Ausbreitung von Staub, Pollen und PM 2,5 verhindern und entfernen. Zur Qualitätskontrolle verwendet MAG TSI-8130, um jede Rolle während der Produktion zu testen. Dieser automatisierte Filtertester wird häufig von internationalen Testlabors wie Nelson Labs und TTRI verwendet. Anwendung:Maskenfilterung, Luftreiniger, Klimaanlagenfilter, Filterung von Passivrauch, Innenraumfilter Herkunftsort:Taiwan Grundgewicht:Normalgewicht 25 g/m² (kann angepasst werden) Breite:normale Breite 175 mm (kann angepasst werden) Länge:normale Länge 1500m (kann angepasst werden) Farbe:Weiß Filtrationseffizienz:BFE:99%+ & PFE:99%+ Differenzdruck:Unter 3 mm H2O/cm2
Sistem de Tratare a Apei - WPS 2 1 - Tratarea Apei pentru Electroliza AEM

Sistem de Tratare a Apei - WPS 2 1 - Tratarea Apei pentru Electroliza AEM

Das Wasseraufbereitungssystem ist ein osmotisches Modul mit Harzfiltern, das die erforderliche Wasserqualität bereitstellen kann.
Wafere pentru substraturi pentru filtre IR - Waferele noastre sunt produse cu o grosime de până la 500μm și oferă o calitate excepțională a suprafeței

Wafere pentru substraturi pentru filtre IR - Waferele noastre sunt produse cu o grosime de până la 500μm și oferă o calitate excepțională a suprafeței

When it comes to a high quality IR Cut filter, it is the substrate with the coating applied that affects the performance. Knight Optical provide high quality wafers for precisely this, and the surface quality of our substrates eliminates blotching at the sensor which occurs on lower quality substrates especially where IR Cut filters are concerned. Our wafers are produced as thin as 500μm & provide exceptional surface quality. However, we can manufacture to a fully customised specification with a wafer thickness as little as 10 μm. Our substrates for stock or custom can be manufactured from a great deal of materials including: •Quartz •Borosilicate •BK7 or equivalent •Sapphire •And many more. Depending on your application for the IR Cut Filter, we can help advise on the best achievable optic for your application. Please read PDF for full specification Material::Borosilicate or equivalent Diameter::+0.0 / -0.20 mm Length / width::± 0.20 mm Thickness::± 0.20 mm Surface quality::<60:40 scratch/dig Transmission::Tavg>94% 420-620nm Blocking::Tmax<2% 700-1000nm Wavelength accuracy::+/-10nm Front surface:Hot mirror coated Rear Surface:AR coated
Filtre Seria F-MI3

Filtre Seria F-MI3

Compact filters for diverse applications Filters are used in fluidic systems to protect sensitive components from damage due to contamination and particles. For the safe operation of micro annular gear pumps and their precision-machined rotors, the use of a 10 µm meshed filter is recommended. With compact filter units made out of corrosion-resistant materials, with high filtration performance and different mesh sizes, HNP Mikrosysteme offers suitable filter solutions for all of its pump series. The filter series F-MI3 is available in three different configurations. The »inlet filter«, without an external housing, is directly immersed in the liquid. The »inline filters« are designed to be installed downstream in the feed line, i.e. directly before the pump. The maintenance-friendly »T-design« offers the advantage of changing the filter element without having to uninstall the filter from the feed line, and the option to open the bottom for releasing medium or emptying the filter.... Type:Inlet filter Inline filter (straight, T-shape) Liquid temperature range:-200 ... +250 °C Inline filter: -10 ... +140 °C (-40 ... +275 °C *) Differential pressure range:- Inline filter: max. 10 bar Operating pressure:- Inline filter: max. 200 bar Seal materials:- Inline filter: FPM, FFPM, EPDM Materials:stainless steel Internal volume:- Straight shape: 65 ml T-shape: 92 ml Measurements (ø x H):Ø 35 x 84 mm Straight shape: Ø 48 x 105 mm T-shape: Ø 70 x 114 mm Fluid connection:conical internal thread 3/8" NPT Filter fineness:3 µm, 25 µm, 40 µm, 100 µm Filter area:160 cm² Remarks:* depending on seal material
Filtru Viledon pentru filtrarea aerului și lichidelor

Filtru Viledon pentru filtrarea aerului și lichidelor

Viledon Luftfilter bieten Filtrationslösungen für die Raumluft- und Reinraumtechnik, Entstaubungs- und Lackiertechnik, für die Nahrungsmittelindustrie und für Gasturbinen/Kompressoren Freudenberg Filtration Technologies wird mit Filtrationslösungen dort aktiv, wo saubere Luft und klares Wasser dringend gebraucht werden. Unsere Mission ist saubere Luft und sauberes Wasser – wo immer es Menschen nützt, wo immer industrielle Prozesse effizienter und nachhaltiger gestaltet werden können.
Cartușe de Filtru

Cartușe de Filtru

Das Filtermaterial wird optimal auf den jeweiligen Anwendungsfall abgestimmt. Die Filtermedien bestehen aus Polyester­vlies, Papiervlies, Polypropylenvlies oder Nadelfilz. Vorteile Niedrige Bauhöhe des Filters Niedriger Druckverlust Montage wahlweise roh- oder reingasseitig Anwendungen Überall in der Entstaubungstechnik Eigenschaften Filterkassetten können vertikal oder horizontal eingebaut werden. Ihre maximale Betriebstemperatur beträgt 80 °C. Filterkassetten sind in unterschiedlichen Größen erhältlich. Filtermedien Das Filtermaterial wird optimal auf den jeweiligen Anwendungsfall abgestimmt. Die Filtermedien bestehen aus Polyester­vlies, Papiervlies, Polypropylenvlies oder Nadelfilz. Sie können antistatisch, öl- und wasserabweisend mit Beschichtungen oder Membran ausgerüstet werden.Sie sind nach DIN EN 60335-2-69 geprüft und zur Abscheidung gesund­heits­gefährdender Stäube geeignet. Weitere Information erhalten Sie auf Anfrage.
Filtru Industrial

Filtru Industrial

Industriefilter in verschiedenen Formen
WAF 4227 - Filtru de Aer - Calitate Echipament Original 51974227

WAF 4227 - Filtru de Aer - Calitate Echipament Original 51974227

C34008,51974227,A1808,AP078.4 Air Filters For Cars
Celule de Filtru de Aer VV 47, Clasa de Calitate G4, M5

Celule de Filtru de Aer VV 47, Clasa de Calitate G4, M5

LFG-VV 47-Luftfilterzellen sind zum Einsatz in Lüftungs-, Klima-, und Heizungsanlagen vorgesehen. LFG-VV 47-Luftfilterzellen werden aus einem feuchteunempfindlichen Kartonrahmen hergestellt und mit zick-zack gefalteten, eigensteifen synthetischen Faserfliesen bestückt. Auf Wunsch können die Zellen mit einer Unterstützung versehen werden.


Filtre industriale

Filtre industriale

Industrial filters for various applications
Filtre de coș

Filtre de coș

We produce basket filters and wire basket inserts of any kind according to customer specifications. Normally perforated plates with round or square perforation as well as wedge wire elements serve as base bodies. The filter baskets are lined inside or covered outside with plain or with pleated wire cloth, according to customer requirement.
Filtru de Praf și Particule

Filtru de Praf și Particule

Aufgrund unserer langjährigen Erfahrungen im Bereich der Vakuumfördertechnik, wurden für die Vakuumförderer der verschiedenen Baureihen spezielle Filter entwickelt. Staub- und Partikelfilter auf höchstem Niveau. Aufgrund unserer langjährigen Erfahrungen im Bereich der Vakuumfördertechnik, wurden für die Vakuumförderer der verschiedenen Baureihen spezielle Filter entwickelt. Diese umfassen z.B. Edelstahlfilter aus gewebtem Material, ideal für Pharma, Lebensmittel- und Chemieanwendungen. Auch PTFE beschichtete Filter mit einer Filterfeinheit von 0,5μm stehen zur Verfügung. Diese werden für sehr feine Produkte wie z.B. Tonerpulver verwendet. Verschiedenste Materialien und Filter können geliefert werden. Für spezielle Anfragen stehen wir Ihnen jederzeit gern zur Verfügung. Spezifikationen: Außenmaterial aus Edelstahl oder beschichtetem Polyester, unterschiedliche Faltungen, teilweise mit nach unten geöffneter Faltung, individuelle Konfigurationen möglich.
Hârtie filtrantă pentru polen din carbon activ - c1010 permeabilitate ridicată la aer și eficiență cu calitate superioară

Hârtie filtrantă pentru polen din carbon activ - c1010 permeabilitate ridicată la aer și eficiență cu calitate superioară

c1010 yüksek hava geçirgenliği ve verimlilik ile üst düzey kalite polen filtresi imalatının vazgeçilmez terchidir.
Filtru de Combustibil Ecologic - Filtru de Combustibil Ecologic pentru Automobile și Vehicule Comerciale Ușoare

Filtru de Combustibil Ecologic - Filtru de Combustibil Ecologic pentru Automobile și Vehicule Comerciale Ușoare

Gold Filter markası ile 60 marka ve 1000'den fazla model araçlar için ekolojik (kağıt) yakıt filtresi üretimini ve satışını yapmaktayız. FORD yakıt filtresi, RENAULT yakıt filtresi, PEUGOUT yakıt filtresi, FIAT yakıt filtresi, AUDI yakıt filtresi, BMW yakıt filtresi, CHEVROLET yakıt filtresi, CITROEN yakıt filtresi, DACIA yakıt filtresi, HONDA yakıt filtresi, HYUNDAI yakıt filtresi, ISUZU yakıt filtresi, IVECO yakıt filtresi, JEEP yakıt filtresi, karsan yakıt filtresi, KIA MOTORS yakıt filtresi, LADA yakıt filtresi, LAND ROVER yakıt filtresi, MAZDA yakıt filtresi, MERCEDES-BENZ yakıt filtresi, MINI yakıt filtresi, MITSUBISHI yakıt filtresi, NISSAN yakıt filtresi, OPEL yakıt filtresi, SEAT yakıt filtresi, OTOKAR yakıt filtresi, SEAT yakıt filtresi, SKODA yakıt filtresi, SSANGYONG yakıt filtresi, SUBARU yakıt filtresi, SUZUKI yakıt filtresi, TATA MOTORS yakıt filtresi, TOYOTA yakıt filtresi, VOLVO CARS yakıt filtresi, VOLKSWAGEN yakıt filtresi, PORSCHE yakıt filtresi, CHRYSLER yakıt filt
Cartușe de Filtru Sintetice de Înaltă Presiune

Cartușe de Filtru Sintetice de Înaltă Presiune

Synthetic High Pressure
Filtre de aer

Filtre de aer

We have filters under CAPO FILTER and WALLMERG brands and able to produce all kind of special filters as well.
Țesături meltblown - de calitate superioară și cu cea mai mare eficiență de filtrare (BFE>99%)

Țesături meltblown - de calitate superioară și cu cea mai mare eficiență de filtrare (BFE>99%)

Wir wollen hochwertige Schutzausrüstung für eine breite Masse in ganz Europa (und der Welt) zu fairen Preisen zugänglich machen Über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette wollen wir Spitzenqualität made in Germany anbieten. So machen wir uns unabhängig von schlechter Qualität und hohen Preisen. Für die Maskenproduktion in Europa können wir langfristig und in großen Mengen liefern, um entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette für Planungssicherheit und Preisstabilität zu sorgen.
Filtru PEEK - Filtru termoplastic din polieteretercetona de calitate premium

Filtru PEEK - Filtru termoplastic din polieteretercetona de calitate premium

Presentamos nuestro revolucionario Filtro PEEK, fabricado con material termoplástico de polieteretercetona de calidad premium. Este filtro de última generación ofrece una eficiencia de filtración excepcional y durabilidad, convirtiéndolo en la elección ideal para diversas industrias. Diseñado con precisión, nuestro Filtro PEEK garantiza un rendimiento confiable y resultados de filtración óptimos. Experimenta la tecnología avanzada de filtración con nuestro Filtro PEEK de alta calidad, diseñado para satisfacer las exigentes demandas de las aplicaciones industriales. Actualiza tu sistema de filtración hoy mismo y descubre las capacidades superiores de nuestro Filtro PEEK.
Filtre de tavan sintetice de înaltă calitate

Filtre de tavan sintetice de înaltă calitate

Synthetic Ceiling Filters are composed of progressively structure media made from synthetic thermobonded fibers adhesive coated in depth. Due to applied lamination to outer side material has better resistance and the resin application to fibers allow better arrestance against paint mist. NonStandard sizes can also be manufactured as per specific customer requirements
Filtre COV și mirosuri

Filtre COV și mirosuri

Les systèmes de traitement fonctionnent selon 4 principes: l’adsorption par charbons actif, le lavage de gaz, la biofiltration, l’oxydation thermique, catalytique, régénérative ou récupérative. Filtres à charbons actifs L’adsorption par charbon actif consiste à faire passer les gaz sur un lit de charbons actifs qui peut être imprégné chimiquement pour traiter de petites molécules (N2H et NH3). Le charbon actif peut être placé dans des caissons pour les faibles débits ou dans des tours pour les autres débits. Les débits traités peuvent être très importants avec de petites concentration de COV. Le coût d’investissement est faible et le coût de fonctionnement moyennement élevé (en fonction de la charge de charbon).
AirExchange Breeze - Umidificator de Aer Profesional - LED UV-C, filtru de aer, carcasă din polimer de înaltă calitate, atingere moale, finisaj alb

AirExchange Breeze - Umidificator de Aer Profesional - LED UV-C, filtru de aer, carcasă din polimer de înaltă calitate, atingere moale, finisaj alb

Humidity strongly influences the spread of viruses, bacteria and other harmful particles in the air; especially rooms with dry air can increase the chance of contamination. Research indicates that a humidity level of >65% is advised to decrease the chance of viruses and bacteria spreading. The AirExchange Breeze is a professional air humidifier, equipped with a meshed prefilter that eliminates harmful particles from the air. The UV-C LED light-treatment purifies the water with an effectiveness of over 99.99%. The device has a timeless and stylish design and the mist outlet is made from pearl blasted, anodized aluminum. The internal heating function makes it possible to heat up the mist to a comfortable temperature of 39°C, which enhances the movement of the water molecules through the ambient air. The AirExchange Breeze has a water reservoir of 4.5L and a maximum mist output of 350mL/h, which is suitable for rooms up to 60m².
Tester de calitate a apei 2 în 1 - Tester pH - Temperatură

Tester de calitate a apei 2 în 1 - Tester pH - Temperatură

- Comparto batterie del tester con un'autonomia di circa 2000 ore - Display dotato di schermo LCD - Sensore di temperatura - Dotato di anelli impermeabili nella parte superiore ed inferiore - Elettrodo sostituibile - Calibrazione automatica del valore del PH e rilevamento della temperatura in °C e °F Specifiche: Dispay: schermo LCD Fattore TDS: 0,5 Precisione temperatura: ±0,5 °C Risoluzione temperatura: 1 °C/°F Temperatura di utilizzo: 0-80°C Range di misurazione: 0-60 °C / 32-140 °F Durata del comparto batterie: circa 2000 ore Valori di misurazione: batteria, Ph, temperatura Tipologia di sonda: elettrodo in vetro Alimentazione: batterie da 3x1.5V (incluse) * Forniamo solo ed esclusivamente le aziende del settore quali distributori, rivenditori, assemblatori e costruttori.
Filtru Combinat Produse de Top Calitate și Cele Mai Eficiente

Filtru Combinat Produse de Top Calitate și Cele Mai Eficiente

Combined Filter Drier and Liquid Receiver is an unit which hold Filter Drier and Liquid Receiver within a single body and performs as both at the same time. Having of the innovative design, the unit saves a great space. The function of the liquid receiver is to send the refrigerant fluid in 100% liquid state to the expansion valve for the best cooling effect. These series are produced for vehicle type refrigeration and air conditioning systems. They have high performance against the variable revolution of engine. ESSCV, Vertical mounting, ESSC, Horizontal mounting, ESSC / ESSCOD / ESSCOR / ESSCV Series Combined Filter Drier And Liquid Receiver ESSC / ESSCOR / ESSCOD / ESSCV Combined Filter Drier and Liquid Receiver series are hermetic designed to be used in compacted bead style for use on liquid line. Moisture removal formula, is prepared as %100 Molecular Sieve targeting maximum moisture removal and acid formation prevention.
Fondue-Soufflé de calitate HEPA - MAG a lansat meltblown de calitate HEPA pentru filtre de protecție medicală

Fondue-Soufflé de calitate HEPA - MAG a lansat meltblown de calitate HEPA pentru filtre de protecție medicală

MAG a lancé la fusion-soufflage de qualité HEPA pour l'industrie des matériaux filtrants médicaux et de protection individuelle. En utilisant la technique de l'électret à eau, il offre une efficacité et une perméabilité plus élevées. MAG HEPA peut répondre à la norme de filtration à haute efficacité de H10-H14. Comparé au soufflé à l'état fondu général, le grade HEPA a une résistance à l'air plus faible et des performances plus élevées. HEPA peut éliminer efficacement au moins 99% des aérosols de 0,3 micromètre (μm) de diamètre, et également empêcher et éliminer la propagation de la poussière, du pollen et des PM 2,5. Pour le contrôle qualité, MAG utilise TSI-8130 pour tester chaque rouleau lors de la production. Ce testeur de filtre automatisé est souvent utilisé par des laboratoires d'essais internationaux, tels que Nelson Labs et TTRI. Application:masque filtrant, Purificateur d'air, Filtre climatisation, Filtration fumées secondaires, Filtre hab Lieu d'origine:Taïwan Poids de base:poids normal 25 g/m² (peut être personnalisé) Largeur:largeur régulière 175mm (peut être personnalisé) Longueur:longueur régulière 1500m (peut être personnalisé) Couleur:Blanc Efficacité de filtration:BFE : 99 %+ et PFE : 99 %+ Pression différentielle:Moins de 3 mm H2O/cm2